The owner of Deeply Touched Reflexology & Healing Arts, I became a reflexologist in June of 2013 after attending Reflexions, Etc. School of Reflexology. Teachers Connie Hubley and Andrea Murray shared their love of reflexology with me. I am currently a member of MCR and RAA.
I worked in retail for twenty years managing a clothing store, and the last ten years I co-owned a catering business in Sanford. As I hit midlife I realized I wanted to create a more meaningful life. I wanted to help people on a more personal level. Reflexology is exactly what I was looking for.
Having attended an Ear Reflexology class with Bill Flocco last fall, I realized that I LOVE working on the ears. I have included the ears in my practice. My clients really enjoy having their ears worked on. Also when attending wellness /health fairs, I find working the ears is easy and a quick way for a client to feel the relaxing effects of reflexology. When I started my reflexology practice out of my home, I converted my dining room into an office space. It worked really well for the last year and a half as I was building the practice.
Just recently I was offered an office space in my doctor’s complex so I have moved my office to a professional setting. I am thrilled to be in my new space! It is handicap friendly, on a busy road, but quiet and the doctor has referred many people to me. I hope the step out into the public will increase my business but also the awareness of reflexology. Reflexology has changed my life. I LOVE it! I find it very rewarding and I am amazed every time I share this healing art with someone.
May peace and love be in your heart, Mary Ann Ratteree
Interviewed by Wendy Decker, Newsletter reporter